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Thursday, May 29, 2008


We mixed some powders today and made sherbet. Here is the recipe we used (although we times it by 30!)
1 tablespoon icing sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon citric acid
1 teaspoon jelly crystals.
Mix all the ingredients together until there are no lumps. Make sure you keep everything dry so there is no reaction before you eat it. Best eaten with a lollipop.

When the sherbet hits your mouth there is a chemical reaction with your saliva.


Principal's Blog said...

Hi Room 6. This recipe looks fantastic. I'm quite fizzed up about it and may give it a go this weekend.


Jess said...

Thanks for the great recipe! We are going to try it at home. I think it is great that your class makes science fun!

Diane Fry said...

Michael let me try some of the sherbet you made, it was really yummy. We have written the recipe down and plan to make some in the weekend. It will certainly get put into my recipe book! Looking forward to more interesting science experiments. Have fun from Diane :)